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9 Foxborough Glade, NWN Web 067.jpg

 Art by Kaye





Please browse my collection of unique and various forms of art that I hope will bring you as much joy, light and serenity as they brought to me creating them.


I work with individuals who want to bring beauty into their homes and with stylists and decorators to transform your home for your pleasure or for when you are preparing to sell one of your largest assets.


Wishing you joy

Kaye Ackerman

Spring Bloom
textile art gallery
Peaceful Reflection
Peaceful Reflection
Enchanting Blue
Enchanting Blue
Quiet Flow
Quiet Flow
Modern Insanity
Treasures of the Desert
Treasures of the Desert
Meeting of Minds
Narre Field 1 and 2
Golden River
Serene Garden 1 and 2
Orange Storm
Carefree Wonder
Turquoise Leaping
New Dawn Triptych
Enchanting Pink
Enchanting Pink

Art Styles by Kaye

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